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作者:王江涛 唐静 李剑 王晟




作者:(英)Pauline Cullen




托福直通车 进阶口语


作  者:新东方教育科技集团 国外考试推广管理中心

出 版 社:浙江教育出版社


I S B N :978-7-5536-8610-3

开  本:16开

页  码:140页



定  价:¥55.00


其它购书方式: 新东方书友会邮购



  • 美语发音秘诀 定价:¥58.00
  • 托福直通车 进阶阅读 定价:¥75.00
  • 托福直通车 进阶听力 定价:¥65.00
  • 托福直通车 进阶写作 定价:¥65.00
  • 新托福考试专项进阶——中级阅读 定价:¥55.00




• 紧跟托福口语考试趋势,精选10类托福口语核心话题

• 提供对话或阅读文章等多种材料,介绍日常生活和学术场景中常用的口语技巧和实用语言

• 通过学习任务和互动练习,教授提高口语流利程度的重要发音知识

• 每个单元最后提供与考题难度相仿的口语任务,帮助学生提高在单元中学习的技能

• 提供美籍外教录音的MP3音频,考生可模仿发音、语调等提高口语能力


前 言

To the users of this book,

Learning a new language is hard; living a new language, however, is much easier.

One of the most widely acknowledged facts in the field of language acquisition is that kids learn languages much faster than adults. Most attribute this discrepancy to the fact that when kids “learn” a language, they mainly imitate the world around them; when adults learn a language, they see the process as the memorizing of rules. Whereas kids learn through experiencing the world, adults learn by trying to detach themselves from it. As a result, the lack of authenticity in learning makes it almost impossible for adults to really master a language. Our team, like many experts of the field, believe in the power of learning through authentic English, and in the importance of assigning real-life meaning to language acquisition. Fortunately, this is a view shared by ETS, the creator of the TOEFL family of tests. It is because of this shared value, we were able to joint our forces in creating the PrepEdge series, an authentic TOEFL text book with authentic English language and context.

However, despite our shared values, the creation of the series is in no way easy. Having different teaching experiences, the New Oriental team and ETS team had to engage in various debates arguing for the welfare of the users of this book, and make tough compromises in order to better suit this book for Chinese learners. Looking back at those experiences, I am glad they happened, as they are the reason why I am confident in the efficacy of the PrepEdge series.

But why should the users share our confidence?

First, this is the first book where ETS worked with test-prep teachers to create a TOEFL textbook. In other words, this book is written by experienced TOEFL teachers, with the insight of the ETS. Together, our two teams have been working on this project for nearly two years, and will continue our endeavor in the future. This book is the life and soul of every member of our two groups, and is definitely something one should use when learning TOEFL.

Secondly, this book is a perfect blend of language acquisition and skill. Not only did we make use of traditional pedagogical knowledge and practices, we also made the best use of the two-decade worth of teaching experience within New Oriental. This, as I believe, created the perfect concoction for the betterment of Chinese English language learners, especially those who wish to improve on the TOEFL test.

I will not drool on and on about how good the series is, but rather let the book speak for itself. We, the creators of this book, are confident that by the first pages, you will see how different the book is from anything you’ve used before, and become reluctant to let go. And as the book is based on authentic English, you will start living the English language through the PrepEdge series as soon as you start reading it.

So, enjoy.









目 录

To the Users of This Book iii

Introduction  iv

Scope and Sequence vi

UNIT 1 Society  / 1

Lifestyles and Interests  / 2

UNIT 2 Society  / 9

The Campus Community  / 10

UNIT 3 Arts  / 19

Art, Film and Music  / 20

UNIT 4 Technology  / 29

Online Shopping  / 30

UNIT 5 Literature  / 37

The Importance of Reading  / 38

UNIT 6 Psychology  / 47

Managing Stress  / 48

UNIT 7 Biology  / 55

Habitat  / 56

UNIT 8 Environment  / 63

Urban Landscaping / 64

UNIT 9 Education  / 73

Study Time  / 74

UNIT 10 History  / 83

Ancient Sites  / 84

Answer Key  / 91

Scripts  / 105

Word List  / 119